I am an instrument engineer with 39 years experience in many, many industrial control applications but now I am stuck over something that to me seems ridiculous. I went to the software that I had paid for and downloaded from the learning pit last year, but it said that it had expired? That is really strange as I had never even used it? What am I supposed to do now with a piece of useless software that I purchased and does not now work, and where do I start with the programming. I certainly cannot afford any expensive tuition. I have no idea where to start or where to turn to. However, here I am a year later and I have to write some kind of a batch program probably using an AB PLC and ladder logic. Amp simulators have made recording more enjoyable for me, they allow me to. All went really well and everything worked like a dream. Discover videos related to logixpro simulator on TikTok. Anyway, when I came to do the programming for last year's application, I found conveniently that I could use a Teco PLR which had function block programming. Years ago, (I am in my 60's), I did ladder logic work using relays, but when I went on a course for Modicon PLC's back in the 80's I discovered that nothing seemed to work the way I expected? The company I was working for at the time decided to stop doing PLC work so I never got to use or learn PLC's any more.

I was fairly used to logic block software but it looked as if I would have to use ladder logic for this application. The only kind of programming I had ever done before was on large mainframe DCS systems, (Bailey Infi 90). At the time I found myself faced with having to write some kind of a programme for a filling system.

Around Sept/Oct last year I know that I definitely purchased some kind of learning package from 'The Learning Pit'.